817-916-4323 | EMERGENCY EXIT




Mission Statement:

To raise social awareness of Domestic Violence in the community. Being a voice of advocacy to the voiceless, so that they may live free from violence and reproach.

Membership Criteria:

Applicant must at least 21 years of age or older
Complete a volunteer application
Applicant must consent and successfully pass a criminal background check and be willing to complete a pre-screening session with One Safe Place Counseling Associate.
Applicant must be one year removed from domestic violence situation before being considered for membership, however each situation will be reviewed and considered by OSP Counseling Associate on a case by case situation


Meetings are held (once a month or bi-monthly) on a week night during the evening.

Activities of the Committee Include:

Annual Beauty Brunch
Back to School Hair Cuts for children
Provide presentations that includes survivor stories and impact of domestic violence
Advising to ensure One Safe Place remains survivor focused by involving committee in operations
